Some Exciting News to Share.
A New Plan
We are excited to let you know about a door God opened for us. Last year we spent time doing an apprenticeship with Orchard Church here in Denver. It is a great church that is focused on reaching the lost in their community. After spending many months with them and having numerous conversations with Orchard and the North American Mission Board we were presented with the opportunity to come on staff with Orchard Church at the beginning of this year and plant a church under the umbrella of Orchard. We will officially be planting Orchard Church Thornton. This is a great opportunity for us to partner with a great church who shares a like minded vision and desire to reach communities with the gospel. We will be an Orchard location in Thornton which is about 25-30 minutes away from their original location.
In the city of Thornton we participated in our first community event in June. We were part of Thorntonfest by providing a nursing mothers and baby changing tent as well as a couple of booths that provided people chances to win prizes and play some virtual reality. It was a great first step into the community we are praying to reach.
The Snow is Gone...Kind of
Winter has lasted quite a while this year. It snowed during Quincey's last week of school.
Quincey and Ace both had great school years but were excited to get summer started with a camping adventure followed by family fun day hosted by the North American Mission Board.
Ways You Can Pray
Our second interest meeting will be on June 30th. Please pray that God will continue to bring people to our team that live in the Thornton area who are willing to live on mission to reach that community with the gospel.
This summer we will be having several block parties in different neighborhoods. We have already met some resistance from HOAs where they have refused to let us use their parks. Please pray that we will have a good reputation and be able to do events in the parks so that we can begin building relationships with the families who live there.
Launch Team - As families are making their way to Denver we would ask that you pray for all that goes into making that move from finding and selling homes, to adjusting to a new community to finding jobs. Your prayers are needed!!
As we have began to be in the community please continue to pray for the relationships we are making. We pray that those relationships would allow us to share the gospel.
Thank You!
Thank you so much for your generosity in prayer and finances. We could not be here without you and can't express our gratitude enough.