It’s Been Too Long
The Most Exciting News
Over several months and many conversations with both Dale and I Quincey and Ace understood what it means to surrender their life to Jesus. Dale had the privilege of leading them to Jesus and in May I had the honor of baptizing each of them.
We Have A Worship Leader!
Thank you so much for your prayers over the spring and summer for us to find a worship leader for Church 8025. God heard your prayers and in August we brought on a part time worship leader.
The best part is she came from within our church. Her and her family had been attending our church and she had previously done some worship leading at another location. Her family really felt God leading them to get plugged into Church 8025 and after praying about the position she knew it was what God was leading her to do.
Making A Difference
In the last few months we have also began to form a ministry relationship with an organization located in downtown Denver that focuses on meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the homeless. We were able to send a team to serve dinner and spend time with the less fortunate people living in downtown.
We also were able to provide over 100 pairs of shoes, multiple bags of personal items and numerous bags of clothes to their ministry.
Another exciting way Church 8025 is making a difference is through our ladies discipleship and community events. Dale is leading Known Collective, which is a ladies discipleship program and she also leads quarterly events for ladies to grow in their faith and have community together.
Summer Community Events
We partnered with one of our supporting churches, Fruit Cove Baptist Church to host a neighborhood block party, feed over 50 local first responders, hand out over 1,200 door hangers and prayer walk over 1,200 homes. We also hosted a 200 foot summer slip n slide party in a neighborhood where only one kid got a concussion…Ace!! But he is doing great now.
Exciting News for Church 8025
Although we have been gathering for a year now, in September of 2021 we became an officially recognized church with the North American Mission Board.
This is such an answer to the prayers and support from so many of you. While we still have much work to do and still need all the prayers and support possible, this is an exciting step.
Family Fun
Our family has had many adventures throughout the summer. Ace won a baseball championship, Bowen performed her ballet at a city event and Quincey is playing soccer and doing a little slack line in her free time.
We also took an epic trip this summer to Yellowstone. It was a great time with some great friends and an opportunity for our family to get away and spend some great time together.
Oh ya...the Lenny Bug turned One!!!
Ways You Can Pray
Our two greatest prayers right now are for us really begin to reach the lost in both our Sunday gatherings and through the lives of the people in Church 8025. Please pray we have many opportunities to share Jesus with those around us.
The second prayer we have is for a permanent location. We have had some people express interest in helping us secure a permanent facility so that we can do ministry out of that place throughout the week. We are open to different options whether it is a stand alone building or leasing from a store front. However, we have not been able to find a place or if we do find a place they are not open to a church being in their facility. Please join us in praying for God to provide.
Thank you always for your partnership, your sacrifice and your prayers. We could not do this without you.