We got a building…and a dog.


God Provided

In 2022 we began looking to purchase land. It was overwhelming to say the least for a young church plant to begin this process. But we knew God was leading in that direction so we started the journey. Little did we know God was up to much more than we could imagine. We began raising money to be able to purchase land and casting vision but little did we know the vision would change. While a land purchase was falling through God provided almost 3 acres and an existing building that was given to us for free. How does that happen? Only God is all we can say. Because we had started raising money already we were able to have the funds to renovate the building into what we needed it to be for our future home. We moved in without it being complete finished due to our contract at the hotel being up but we are hoping to be completely finished with the renovations before easter. Our first sunday in the building we had 165 people gather which was absolutely amazing. We are excited to see what God continues to do.


We Got a Dog

Over the last few years we had to put both of our dogs down due to age. But our daughter Quincey has been set on getting a dog so she began saving her money towards that goal. Through a friend of Dale’s we found the right dog in Utah so we surprised the kids and let them skip school for a quick drive (9 hours) to Utah to pick up the newest member of the family…Fritz.


A Wrap to 2023


It’s Been Too Long