A New Year Update
Location! Location! Location!
Once again God has answered our prayers for a location for Church 8025 to gather. In January we started meeting twice per month in a local hotel banquet space. This has been such a huge blessing as it is in a better location, has better useable space and for a third of the cost to rent the movie theater. We are in awe of God's goodness and we are loving our new digs!

In February Michael turned the big 4-0. Dale along with some good friends were able to pull off a big surprise birthday week. Three good friends flew in to celebrate with Michael. They had an epic week of skiing, snowmobiling and eating good food.

Family Fun
Ace and Bowen were excited to celebrate "Wacky Wednesday", although Bowen was a little worried her outfit wasn't wacky enough. Lennon is enjoying the hiking backpack. We are practicing when we can to get ready for some summer adventures. Quincey and Ace are getting more confident on the slopes, often going over jumps and racing down the hill. Michael is just doing his best to keep up.
Ways you can celebrate and pray
We are continuing to pray for a worship pastor to join us at Church 8025. Thank you for praying for the right person to join our team in what God is doing.
We have some exciting men's and women's events planned to help reach new people and to provide discipleship avenues for our people. We look forward to sharing more about these events in our next newsletter.
Joe Caum joined our team in March as the Discipleship and Mission Groups Pastor. We are really excited to have him and his family on our team.
Thank you always for your partnership, your sacrifice and your prayers. We could not do this without you.
In last month’s newsletter we included an Amazon wish list for items we need for Church 8025. You guys responded in an awesome way! We have received many of the items on our list which has allowed us to have a kid’s check-in location, games for kids to play, a printer to print teaching materials, and air pots and trays for our hospitality area. Your generosity continues to amaze and bless us and we are so grateful for all of your support.
If you would like see what is still needed you can click on the button below.