A Christmas Update
A Place to Meet…Kind of
IGod answered our prayers for an indoor location for the winter. We began meeting in an AMC movie theater at the end of October. And as luck would have it, it snowed on our first Sunday. The indoor location could not have come at a better time. Unfortunately, because of COVID we were only able to meet in the theater 2 times before the theater had to close due to state restrictions.
While this was discouraging for sure, we adjusted and began filming our Advent series and showing it in our Mission Groups around the city. Of course we are anxious to be able to gather all together again and we are praying for the doors to open once again for a place for us to call home.

Friends and Family
In October, Church 8025 hosted a Fall Family Fun event. The whole church worked together to put on the event complete with carnival games, a pumpkin carving contest and a chili cook off. We had a great time as a family and as a church.
Unfortunately due to the fires in Colorado we had to cancel our first ever men's retreat. Our friend Josh was going to speak at it, but even though it was canceled he and his wife Danielle still came out to spend some time with our family and to encourage our team. We had fun with the Wilkerson’s exploring the Colorado Springs Zoo and we also got to spend some time with Bob, Julie and Stephanie which our family always loves to do!

Ways you can celebrate and pray
As God continues to provide through a variety of ways we were again able to meet with a church from Florida in December. They are praying about possibly partnering with us in the years to come.
Unfortunately our men's conference had to be cancelled due to the fires but we are thankful that the fires are now contained. Please be praying for those who lost their homes and livelihoods in these fires.
Church 8025 in 2021-- As we begin a new year we ask that you would pray for wisdom on how to reach our community, energy to reach the people here with love that will point them to Jesus.
One final way you can pray for Church 8025 is for God to provide a Worship leader. We know this is a big ask right now but we are trusting God to provide just the right person.
Thank you always for your partnership, your sacrifice and your prayers. We could not do this without you.
In last month’s newsletter we included an Amazon wish list for items we need for Church 8025. You guys responded in an awesome way! We have received many of the items on our list which has allowed us to have a kid’s check-in location, games for kids to play, a printer to print teaching materials, and air pots and trays for our hospitality area. Your generosity continues to amaze and bless us and we are so grateful for all of your support.
If you would like see what is still needed you can click on the button below.