A Great Start to 2024
Our Church
2024 kicked off with a bang. We began the year with a focus on prayer with a theme called, Pray First. As a church we spent 25 days in prayer over 25 different topics, partners and issues. It was a great way to start the year. We also launched a new discipleship initiative called Square 1. This was a 4 week time for men and women to regroup for the new year in their relationship with Jesus.
Church 8025 Kids also underwent an exciting kickoff as they introduced a brand new curriculum, Hyfi in our kids ministry. Our kids team had spent several months evaluating curriculum, studying and training in preparation for the new direction. It has been a great change in our kids ministry. Our kids ministry also hosted our first ever Family Game Night which was a ton of fun for our families.
This spring we got to celebrate three people coming to faith in Jesus and being baptized at Church 8025. This is our favorite part of ministry! Easter was a great service as well where we had 369 people attend in 3 services. This was our largest crowd ever. We didn’t know where to put them all. One of our MIssion Partners flew out the week before Easter to spend a couple days hanging door hangers to invite people to our Easter service. I guess it worked.
Also this spring we started a new ministry called Primal Path. This is offered to fathers with sons ages 12-18. It is an intentional discipleship plan for dads to help their sons grow into manhood in a godly way. We love this ministry because it fits perfectly with our mission of People helping people become fully devoted followers of Jesus.
As our church continues to grow we always love when they come together for some hard work. Our church put in several tons of rock and dirt to create a safer and cleaner pathway for kids.
Our Family
2024 has been a mostly good start for our family as well. Thanks to a great church partner, we got to spend a couple days at Disney, although it turned out 2 of our 4 kids had the flu while we there. But we made the most of it. Michael was supposed to go to Indonesia with the IMB, but after sitting on the plane at Denver International Airport for 2 hours, his flight was canceled and he was unable to go. He is still trying to find the right overseas partner for Church 8025.
The kids all had a great spring season of sports and school. They have each been leaders on their teams and in the classroom. This spring they played soccer and Ace and Quincey played basketball as well. Q even went to a tournament in Phoenix with Dale, where they learned even crocs in sports mode are not the best hiking shoes.
One of the highlights was a surprise trip for ace to see Kentucky play in the SEC Tournament in Tennessee. Michael woke him up on a Friday, gave him a backpack and said come with me. He had no idea where they were going until they got to the stadium.
Dale officially began leading the Women’s Discipleship at Church 8025 and has done an amazing job of helping women grow in both their understanding of God and their love and obedience to him.
Michael officially became a Thornton Police Department Chaplain in May. TPD has almost 300 officers so this is a great opportunity for Michael to be in the community where he can make an impact outside the walls of the church.
Ways To Pray
Please continue pray that Church 8025 reaches people with no relationship with Jesus and that they help believers become devoted followers of Jesus. Also pray as we have began designing a future space on our property for our church. Currently our kids building does not have a restroom and is seperate from our main building, and our main building is quickly becoming too small for our church as it is only 4,800 sq ft. We are almost finished with the design process that would bring everything under one roof and also give us more square footage. However, as a church plant that is not yet self-sustaining, this is a big step. Please pray for wisdom in the right time to move forward and for resources both from internally and externally to make this dream a reality.
We also ask for prayer for our family. Planting a church, working part time with NAMB and having 4 kids is a challenge. This year through some health concerns and just evaluating our schedules we see a need to do a better job of finding time to rest and retreat. We ask you to pray for wisdom and for us to find a better balance in this area.
Thank you for your prayers, your support and your encouragement. We could not do this without you.