A New Beginning
Life Has Seasons
Our journey to plant in the Denver area has not looked anything like we imagined. I often joke that God wants our yes and we try to give Him our yes and our plan, or least I try to. But the story of my life has seemed to be that God takes my yes and gently, patiently guides me to His plans. And it does take patience and gentleness, at least for me because I have noticed a couple things about God’s plan in my life so far.
1) He only shows me the next step:
(Prov 16:9 The heart of a man plans his way but the Lord determines his steps.)
My nature would love to have the full plan from beginning to end. Maybe you are like me and want to know the end so you can better plan the road to get there. But God continually shows me a step at a time. Maybe that is because my faith is not strong enough to know the challenges ahead, maybe it is because I’m hard headed enough to try to and plan out each step along the way and then only be willing to take the steps I have planned, or maybe it is a combination of both. Either way, in this journey to be obedient to what God is calling us to do we have only seen the next step, one at a time.
The second thing I have come to see in God’s plan for my life is…
2) He keeps me places for a season:
My experience is that God has shown me a next step and then kept me in a place for a season. I’m not saying that God wants us to move locations or switch jobs all the times, I’m simply saying that each step of obedience we take is for a season. During that season God teaches us, he shapes us, he does something in us that is only for a season and then he shows us the next step, which brings about the next season. Often times that next step and season is in the same place but God begins to teach us something new, and sometimes it is in a new place.
All of this to say that what I have most discovered in following God’s plan, no matter how little he may reveal to me, or how long the season lasts, He is more interested in who I am than what I do. And maybe that best explains why I only see one step at a time and each step lasts for a season. Because with each new step and new season God is doing something new in me. He is making me to be more like Him and when I have listened and grown, he moves me on to the next step and the next season.
Our Family Update
Quincey finished 2nd grade with an amazing teacher (her mom) and is anxiously awaiting 3rd grade. She also turned 8 years old in May. I’m not happy about it!! Ace finished pre-school with an equally amazing teacher (also his mom) but more importantly has discovered the greatness of Super Mario World. And Bowen got a head start on pre-school by learning from an amazing teacher (again…her mom….Dale did all the teaching during this pandemic).
On June 1st we began the next chapter in our life as we step away from Orchard Church. We are praying about what God has in store for us and are excited about what that might be. While the time is certainly filled with unanswered questions and uncertainly we know God will lead and provide as he always has.
Oh ya…we are having a baby in the beginning of July…still no name…but we do have a bed and a car seat!!!

Thanks for Giving
Thank you again for your continued partnership with us at Reaching Denver. Your support means so much to me and my family. Your partnership is making a difference in the lives of many here in Denver. If you would like to begin partnering with us financially you can do so securely at www.reachingdenver.com